Susan Lee, senior editor of Forbes magazine, asked her readers, "what is the most-viewed featured-length film in history?" She expects that most readers will select Gone with the wind or Titanic. Both would be wrong.
The film viewed by more people in the world than any other is titled simply, Jesus.Originally produced in 1979, the Jesus film has been viewed by about 1.5 billion people-roughly one- forth of the earth's population.It has been translated into 400 languages. And it cost $100 million less to make than Titanic.
What makes the Jesus film so successful? first, if a film is going to succeed , it must have a strong message and good story line. Lots of films do, but what can compare with the message of the gospel!
It also has to have universal appeal. Very simply, the story of Jesus, in this case based on Luke;s Gospel, satisfies the deepest and most urgent needs of the human heart. Just as may thousands flocked to hear Jesus speak (Luke12:1), thousands continue to listen to His message of salvation.
Third, it has to have worldwide distribution by people who believe in it. Missionaries and concerned believers have shown it everywhere-Under the trees in Africa, in the jungles of the Amazon, in board rooms in New York City, and in the teeming cities of India and Sri Lanka.
Looking for a great movie? Try the Jess film.Consider viewing it with some people who don't know Christ as Savior. You'll see why it's the world's most popular movie.
Source From│Campus Journal
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011
■Worlds Most Pupular Movie■$100 Million Cost Less than Titanic
Added Jan 6, 2010,